When faced with the daunting task of selling Family treasures or a cherished collection one obvious choice is to contact a local auctioneer . You should be warned that you will only receive 50% of what the buyer pays at auction. Perhaps a better option is to allow us to research the items you propose selling ?

By establishing what prices have been achieved for similar items in the past we equal or better recorded prices without your being robbed in unnecessary charges . Here is a great example of what you can expect from us .

100% of the recorded value rather than the 50% Auctioneers provide .. What is in it for us ?

That is easy we are high street retailers and museum suppliers .

We have an appetite for fresh goods to be supplied to our growing number of History buyers. Call Today on +447860747027 Or Email davidmatteybuyer@gmail.com
MWW Max Weyersberg Waffen 
Telephone number: 0044 (0) 1903-884602
Our store is open every day offering fresh artifacts for the discerning buyer.
The ever changing stock is sourced from around the world.
Our prices are a little higher than average as we frequently pay more for our better grade of daggers.
Payments are advanced using the “Paypal service” Our buying success rate of around 95-% suggests that our offers are amongst the very highest .
Our shipments sell in the stable European market place to mature collectors, academics and non political institutions.
By scouring the world we have been able to find exhibits suitable for military museums of all scales and supply them .
Our militaria comes directly from the families of veterans past. The originality and authenticity of our stock is something we take pains to guarantee.
Our network of buyers pay above the recognized market value therefore we can offer private sellers by far the best prices . Museum of Militaria buyers will always pay more than the average home based web page dealers.
Our accountant Edward Symonds issues pre payment in full within moments of our offers being accepted
We believe we are well placed to pay more than our competitors when buying collections.
We have a loyal customer base one that was established even before the the internet came into being.
Our visitors seem quite comfortable paying a premium for our “guaranteed original artifacts” Items that they can view and handle in a Museum style setting.
All products are sold with an unconditional money back guarantee.
Thousands of Militaria websites crop up each year usually as a result of collectors wishing to dissolve their own collections .
The online selling market is becoming more competitive .
Our store is in itself a tourist attraction. The more stock we acquire the better it is for us, We frequently buy from other dealers !
If you are thinking of selling, give us the opportunity of offering you the
best itemized or global offer for your collection.
Best Regards David Mattey
At germandaggerbuyers..com we believe that provenance is an important issue for collectors and Museums investing in German Daggers and other historic military artefacts .
Routinely we undertake in depth academic research before a German Dagger is offered to a collector or public institution for acquisition.
This practice allows us to provide the most complete provenance possible enabling those investing in German Daggers to proceed with confidence.
Our aim has always been to establish a reputation for providing detailed physical descriptions to those investing in German Daggers.
Years of experience and consultation with colleagues who are authorities in their field allows us to provide documents of guaranteed authenticity .
We have been called upon by such establishments as Auction Houses to provide them with our opinion and as much technical information as possible before they present an object for sale.
We work with investors to establish their collecting goals and discuss individual guidelines. In addition, we advise clients in the maintenance of their collections in regards to conservation matters, mounting, installation, and display.
For the above reasons our offerings are priced well above those seen for sale on the multitude of internet sites. The one stop service for those investing in German Daggers allows the judgement to fall at our feet thus saving time and dissapointments . 
If you are selling items retrieved from the battlefields of Europe by family members at the end of the second world war we can and will pay you considerably more than internet speculators.
Because we are buying from your family history, genuine items that have not been contaminated by restoration by a succession of dealers and ill informed custodians.
GermanDaggerBuyers.com specialize in the buying of dress daggers and all other historic war souvenirs.
Most weapons and WW2 German memorabilia have been banned from the major internet auction sites.
You may be comforted to know that GermanDaggerBuyers.com buy exclusively for a vetted circle of responsible academic collectors, museums and historians.
GermanDaggerBuyers.com never condones or promotes the Nazis or any other hate groups!
We believe that the preservation of objects (evidence) from this dark era only has validity within an educational context.
GermanDaggerBuyers.com buys directly from you, therefore you avoid letting auctioneers take a slice of the pie.
GermanDaggerBuyers.com considers that the open display of Nazi symbols outside of a balanced historical collection to be both irresponsible and offensive.
Our Payment Policy is straightforward:
You receive immediate payment for your items in full. We pay any duty on goods arriving from outside the Country.
Prices paid are often greater than those listed.
For example when groupings are obtained from veterans families,
Those who can provide old paperwork and photographs to accompany souvenirs.
Our historic exhibits are sold with a money back guarantee.
Market Assessment of German Dagger value trends observed during 2016-17 |

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