Third Reich Luftwaffe Awards & Badges , Luftwaffe Badges , A Luftwaffe Air Gunner Badge; Cloth Version,The Radio Operator & Air Gunner Badge ,An Early Luftwaffe Flak Badge , An Early Cased Paratroopers Badge,Luftwaffe Flak Badge,A Luftwaffe Heimat und Alarm Flakartillerie Stickpin, A Late War Luftwaffe Flak Badge, A Luftwaffe Air Radio Operator & Air Gunner Badge , A Luftwaffe Observers Badge by P.Meybauer, Berlin , Ground Assault Badge, Ground Assault Badge, An Officer’s Bullion Combined Pilot’s & Observers Badge , An Early War Luftwaffe Flak Badge in Tombac , A Luftwaffe Flak Badge by Brehmer,Luftwaffe Flak Badge – Juncker,Ground Assault Badge ,Combined Pilot’s/Observers Badge –, A Luftwaffe Fallschirmjäger Badge by Gebrder Wegerhof, Ldenscheid, The Radio Operator & Air Gunner Badge by C.E. Juncker, Berlin, A Luftwaffe Observers Badge by Assmannn ,Paratroop Badge,Paratroop Badge ,Case for Observers Badge , Case for Observers Badge , Observers Badge, Pilot’s Badge Juncker , The Radio Operator & Air Gunner Badge, Combined Pilot’s/Observers Badge,The Glider Pilot Badge Rare Large Eagle, A Pilot’s Badge by Juncker, Combined Pilots and Observers Badge , Pilot’s Badge – B & NL Cased Pilot’s Badge – Juncker , Austrian Made Pilot’s Badge by Brüder Schneider, An Early War Luftwaffe Observer’s Badge by C.E.Juncker,

20% more paid for your militaria collection

Unlike many of the online only militaria businesses we are totally independent .. Only by remaining at a distance from on line sellers can we honour our policy of providing 20% above any independent offer .. We are not simply buying to sell at today’s retail prices . As suppliers to museums and advanced investors we offer so much more ,and charge our customers accordingly . Contact WW2 today .

Dear David,
I felt that you were an honest man,
and I see my opinion was well founded.
Would you like to see photos of the swords and the Hitler Youth dagger?
Those and the other items I have mentioned before are still available. Sincerely, Jerry

Our unique customer list includes Museums ,Educational facilities and investment groups . We are always delighted to pay your wish price for historic items you are selling .

We invite you to shop around and obtain offers from on-line militaria dealers .

Once you have learned what people are willing to pay send us a message containing images of what you have . Your asking price should be the sum of the best offer you received then add 20% .

So if you have WW2 items and you have been offered one thousand just add 20% we will pay you the additional Two hundred and cover shipping from anywhere in the World . WW2 distances itself from online only sellers who pedal Nazi items to impressionable youngsters .History must be preserved .

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Ebay the major online auction service has forbidden the listing of WW2 German items to avoid being seen to promote racial hatred .

At German Dagger we never sell directly online ,we buy for Museums and advanced ethical investors. By contacting us via email you can be certain that you are dealing with respectful people who believe the following .

Articles which were plucked from the battlefields then bought home by returning service personnel should be preserved.

Nazi symbols should not be seen outside of a balanced educational display .. Some understanding of how the unimaginable happened in a supposedly civilised country just a generation ago can be derived from a study of militaria .The complex insignia, uniforms and decorations which seduced a desperate people to enlist only to wage a war of brutality then exact genocide on those of a different belief .

What is the correct thing to do ? Destroy the evidence? Or preserve it as a warning to future generations ? What ever your thoughts are we must present ourselves as non political history buffs who are willing to pay the correct market price for your War souvenirs.

We make every effort to distance ourselves from the white supremacists and other Neo Nazi organisations who pedal sensitive and often fake merchandise to corrupt young minds openly online . This is a serious history site only we will not sell to you unless you are a registered museum or educational facility.