German dagger auctions are banned from Ebay or at least those daggers which display the swastika are . Even if the selling of knives were permissible the law states that daggers ,swords and other knives cannot be posted to any residential (Non Business ) address.

German dagger Buyers was set up in response to eBay’s change of policies relating to Nazi memorabilia . David Mattey of German Dagger believes that their is only one place for Nazi memorabilia and that is an appropriate  collection .

David does not sell to youngsters or anybody who wishes to reinforce a political message by displaying Nazi items.  David being a child of the 1960’s acquired his interest in the second world war by watching War films and documentaries, he is very much a liberal thinker however his knowledge of German militaria is widely respected within the collecting community . History must be preserved . It is an unwritten duty of mankind . Genuine artefacts which bore whiteness to the second world war provide students of History with a connection with the past beyond the written word or pictures .

Those of you who decide to sell your collection or individual items should take comfort in learning that they are not  falling into the wrong hands . Daggers, Swords, Badges ,flags, Helmets, Medals, flying Equipment  are examples of the many items we wish to acquire.  Our basic offers/free valuations are genuine researched market assessments. We know at a glance in most cases the potential interest and worth your items possess ..

Please telephone David Mattey

+441903-884602 or +447860747027 .

All conversations and emails are confidential . Our accountant pays makes all payments using Paypal or what ever suits you best .. Visitors to our store can receive cash by prior arrangement or bank transfer if preferred..