Dealers in medals and war souvenirs .
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Dealers in medals and war souvenirs.

If you are considering selling medals or war souvenirs there are several options open to you ..

If you are a collector who has decided to thin down a collection you may already have established a trading relationship with a specialist dealer.

In such cases there is
no substitute to selling directly to a dedicated professional..

If however you are somebody who has had the task of selling “Militaria” thrust upon them, her are some pointers ..

Auctions on the surface are a transparent way for war souvenirs things reach their market value ?

Yes in theory this is true however the luxury of testing the market comes at a hideous price.

Auctioneers take a commission from both buyer and seller which cleverly leaves them with 47% of an items value ..

If you have a little time and clearly have been able to find this article then following some advice should provide you with a safe selling option which provides you with the greatest share of any items real worth..

First send a single or group image
of what you are selling the later if it constitutes a “Collection ” to a specialist. Ask for help with identifying what you have…
Armed with the correct description enter the resulting description into Google together with the word price….

You might wish to repeat this process before arriving at a market value of what you wish to sell. Next Step …..Approach specialists who provide free offers/valuations .. Select the one who pays shipping expenses and offers “paypal” in advance and of course the best price..