£43,000/$65,000 PAID FOR THE ABOVE!
German dagger identification
When you are seeking German dagger identification you need to have confidence that the people you are dealing with are trustworthy and that they have the necessary customers to be able to provide you with the best offer should you wish to sell.
German Dagger buyers.com is one of the most accessed of militaria buying web sites.
In order to retain our dagger buying position in a competitive market place we have run a number of Google add words campaigns.
HACO Berlin” J.P. Sauer u. Sohn,Merscheid Robert
“Hugo Lindner Deltawerk”
German dagger identification
“Wagner und Lange”
” C.G.Haenel Suhl”
Aesculap, Tuttlingen
Peter Altenbach u. Söhne, Schwanenwerk, Ohlings

Argenta G.M.B.H.
Axt u. Hauerfabrik

Walter Bahrl, Höhscheid

Fritz Barthelmess, Bavaria, Muggendorf
A. u. H. Bassat, Ohligs

Julius Bodenstein, Steinbach, Kr. M.
Gebr. Böhmenachel

Otto Busch, Weltmeister
Clarfeld & Co., Hemer in Westfalen
Deppmeyer G.m.b.H., Besteckfabrik

Paul F. Dick, Esslingen A.N.
Ernst Dirlam, Höffnungswerk

J. Dirlam u. Söhne
Albert Dorschel

Eickelberg u. mack
Englert u. Solvie G.m.b.H.
C.F. Ern
Fernando Esser u. Cie
C. Eppstein Söhne

A. Feist u. Cie, Lunawerk
Josef Feist, OMEGA

Flocke u. Cie
Giesen u. Forsthoff
Grah und Deppmeyer, GRADE
Carl Grah, Stahlwaren, Ohligs
Carl Fr. Kuhrt, Kommandit Gesellschaft, Zellas Mehlis
August Kullenberg
Louper, Flamme, SS
Peter Lungstrass, Ohligs
August Malscher Sohn, Steinbach
Kr. M.Marx u. Cie, G.m.b.H.
Melzer u. Feller, Zella Mehlis
German dagger identification
Fred Nuhaus
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Militaria dealers can be assured that a carefully managed tailor made add words campaign will provide results.
Naturally the conventional maintenance of a website must not be overlooked irrespective of the enevitable boost in militaria traffic provided by google.
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