Our Domains Include
www.germandaggerswanted.com www.germanmilitariabuyers.com www.germanhelmetswanted.com www.germanhelmetbuyers.com www.germandaggersellers.com www.germandaggerdealers.com www.germandaggerswanted.com www.germanbadgesswanted.com
At German Dagger Buyers.com
We Are Engaged In The Acquisition Of Museum Worthy Exhibits.
We Currently Supply Museums , Academic Collectors , And Ethical Investment Groups.
By Dealing With Dedicated Professionals Your Items Are Destined To Form Part Of Balanced Educational Displays.
We Distance Ourselves Unreservedly From The Unregulated Online Trade
In Nazi Memorabilia.
By Dealing With German Dagger Buyers.com You Can Rest Assured That
Whilst Our Business Is Commercial
Our Interest Is Solely In Preserving History.
We Believe
That People From All Cultures, Religions And Orientations Should Practise Tolerance Towards One Another . Humanity Must Learn To Coexist .
The Study Of History From All Periods Is Enhanced By The Existence Of Artifacts.
Genuine Third Reich Artifacts Are Evidence Of The Darkest of Era’s, One Which Must Never Be Allowed To Return, Education Is ,We believe Key To This Process.
The Responsible Collectors
Of The 21st Century Are Custodians Of Artifacts Which In Time Will Form Part Of Public Museums Of The Future.
We are sole buyers for an investment group and advanced collectors who pay us a little above the market value for our money back guaranteed service :Ebay the major online auction service has forbidden the listing of WW2 German items to avoid being seen to promote racial hatred . At German Militaria Buyers.com we never sell directly online ,we buy for Museums and advanced ethical investors. By contacting us via email you can be certain that you are dealing with respectful people who believe the following .Articles which were plucked from the battlefields then bought home by returning service personnel should be preserved. Nazi symbols should not be seen outside of a balanced educational display .. Some understanding of how the unimaginable happened in a supposedly civilised country just a generation ago can be derived from a study of militaria .The complex insignia, uniforms and decorations which seduced a desperate people to enlist only to wage a war of brutality then exact genocide on those of a different belief .What is the correct thing to do ? Destroy the evidence? Or preserve it as a warning to future generations ? What ever your thoughts are we must present ourselves as non political history buffs who are willing to pay the correct market price for your War souvenirs.. We make every effort to distance ourselves from the white supremacists and other Neo Nazi organisations who pedal sensitive and often fake merchandise to corrupt young minds openly online . This is a serious history site only we will not sell to you unless you are a registered museum or educational facility.
Free Valuation of Postal Protection Leader Daggers
Selling to a collector??
Some advertisers falsely represent them selves as collectors.
Give them no sympathy we know who they are.
We will always pay a little more because we charge a little more.
0044 (0) 7860-747027
VAT Registration Number
Email: davidmatteybuyer@gmail.com

Government officials / Diplomatic Daggers
Militaria Valuations
Integrity and Experience
When you are thinking of selling a collection of militaria you need to have confidence that the people you are dealing with are trustworthy and that they have the necessary customers to be able to provide you with the best prices .
David Mattey of German Dagger Buyers is a Specialist with considerable experience and customers who include Museums and investment groups ,
The prices below pre paid during2018 for examples suitablefor museum collections. |
Nazi DaggerFree Valuation1933 & 1936 SS daggers |
U.S. $3500-$7000U.K. £2500-£5000 |
Nazi DaggerFree ValuationNSKK(NationalSocialist Motor Corps) daggers1933&1936 Daggers |
U.S. $500-$4000U.K. £280-£3000 |
Nazi DaggerFree ValuationNPEA (National Political
U.S. $3600-$6900U.K. £2500-$4300 |
Nazi DaggerFree Valuation1933 SA (Storm Troops) daggers |
U.S. $280 -$750U.K. £250-£600 |
Nazi DaggerFree ValuationHeer (German Army)
U.S. $280-$700U.K. £200-£600 |
DLV (German Air Sports Formation) Flyers Knives |
U.S. $700-$900U.K. £450-£650 |
Nazi DaggerFree ValuationNSFK (National Socialist Flying Corps) Flyers knives |
U.S $700-$900U.K. £450 -£650 |
Nazi DaggerFree ValuationLuftwaffe (German Airforce) daggers and Gravity Knives |
U.S. $300-$875U.K. $180-$675 |
Nazi DaggerFree ValuationGerman Navy daggers |
U.S. $300-$700U.K. £280-£800 |
Nazi DaggerFree ValuationRAD (Reichs Labor Service) daggers |
U.S. $600-$1100
U.S. $6000-$9000U.K. £4000- £6500 |
Nazi DaggerFree Valuation?Red Cross/Social/Welfare
U.S. $400-$1200U.K. £300-£900 |
Nazi DaggerFree ValuationGerman Fire Official daggers,Saw Back adds 30% |
U.S. $100 -$200U.K. £75-£160 |
Nazi DaggerFree ValuationRLB (Reichs Air Protection Federation) daggers |
U.S. $1600-$2600U.K. £700 -£2000 |
TENO (Technical Emergency Corps) daggers |
U.S. $3400-$6000U.K. £2000 – £5000 |
Nazi DaggerFree ValuationGerman Custom Official daggers |
U.S.$2200-$5000U.K. £1600-£7000 |
German Railway Official daggers |
U.S. $3500-$4500U.K. £2800-£4700 |
Nazi DaggerFree ValuationPostshutze
U.S. $4000-$6000U.K. £2200-£4000 |
Nazi DaggerFree ValuationForestry, Hunting, and Rifle Association daggers |
U.S. $1200-$1800U.K. £700-£1200 |
Nazi DaggerFree Valuation HJ (Hitler Youth)/DJ
U.S. $150-$550U.K £100-£325
If You wish to sell any of the above, contact us
Market Assessment of German Dagger value trends observed during 2017-18 |
Dagger Type |
Value |
Dagger Type |
Value |
SA 1933 EM(Value Down) |
U.S $550U.K£350 |
Teno EM Hewer(Value hovering) |
£1,900 |
Teno Officer + |
£3,400 |
SA Honor + |
£52,000 |
Forestry |
£900 |
SA High Leader |
£25,000 |
Hunting Official – |
£1,300 |
SA Rohm EM – |
£3800 |
Rifle Association |
£1,500 |
SA Rohm Chained |
£5,000 |
Hitler Youth Knife |
£400 |
feldenhaller +(Value Up) |
£55,000 |
Hitler Youth Leader |
£3,500 |
NSKK 1933 EM(Value Down) |
U.S.550U.K.£350 |
HD |
£400 |
NSKK 1936 Chained Dagger – |
£3,800 |
Land Customs + |
£1,700 |
NSK High Leader + |
£32,000 |
Sea Customs + |
£5,500 |
SS 33 EM Dagger+ |
£2,600 |
Water Protection |
£3,500 |
SS 1936 Chained Dagger |
£5,000 |
Postal Protection + |
£2,900 |
SS High Leader – |
£57,000 |
Postal Leader |
£3,500 |
SS Honor + |
£52,000 |
NPEA student |
£2,000 |
Luftwaffe 1(Value Hovering) |
U.S.$700U.K£550 |
NPEA Leader |
£6,000 |
Luftwaffe 2 -(Value Down) |
U.S.$450U.K.£200 |
NPEA Chained |
£6,000 |
Navy 1 |
£900 |
RAD EM + |
£650 |
Navy 2(Value Down) |
U.S.$600U.K£450 |
RAD Leader – |
£1800 |
Army Dagger -(Value Down) |
U.S.$400U.K£220 |
£450 |
Army Engraved Dagger + |
£1,600 |
DRK /Social Welfare Leader |
£1,200 |
DLV knife – |
£900 |
RLB EM 1st model |
£900 |
DLV/Luft1 transitional+ |
£2,400 |
RLB EM 2nd model |
£800 |
NSFK knife |
£900 |
RLB Officer 1st model |
£1,500 |
NSFK Dagger |
£1,800 |
RLB Officer 2nd model |
£1,500 |
1st Railway- |
£1,500 |
Government Official |
£4800 |
2nd Railway – |
£2,700 |
Diplomatic Officer |
£7,000 |
Fire Official |
£800 |