Dealers in medals and war souvenirs .

Dealers in medals and war souvenirs .

Dealers in medals and war souvenirs. If you are considering selling medals or war souvenirs there are several options open to you .. If you are a collector who has decided to thin down a collection you may already have established a trading relationship with a...
German Daggers and Knives

German Daggers and Knives

German dress daggers and knives were a popular souvenir for returning veterans who had served in Europe during the second world war .   For the German officers who wore them Nazi Daggers were a symbol of rank,and, status.  . Contrary to popular belief Dress daggers...
Dealers In Nazi Daggers

Dealers In Nazi Daggers Dealers In Nazi Daggers   Nazi Medal Selling for £5500 Nazi Medals Are Enjoying Success in a Buoyant if not  underground market. With a Ban On The Sale Of Third Reich Items on...
Dealers NAZI

Dealers NAZI

NEVER SELL NAZI ITEMS AT AUCTION UNTIL YOU HAVE CONDUCTED RESEARCH (FREE ADVICE HERE!)   Dealers In Nazi Daggers Selling german daggers. Selling german daggers should be a...